Our House
4 Union Street, New Brunswick, 08901
In August of 2014, the Epsilon Psi Chapter of Delta Gamma moved into our new home on 4 Union Street, right behind The Yard. We are surrounded by other sorority and fraternity houses, and it is a great location on College Ave!
Our charming and cozy house has ten singles and five doubles, allowing for twenty sisters to live here year-round! In the past ten years, we have made so many memories in our house, including bid days, sisterhood events, countless movie nights, meet the sisters, fundraising events, and hangouts with Khloi, our Embrace Kid!
4 Union is a home to all of our sisters, not just the twenty women who live in it! All DGs come and go from our house to study with sisters, take a break in between classes, or just hangout and watch TV with friends. Every girl has said that living in the house was one of the best parts of their college experience!